7 Upcoming Graphic Trends Predicted by Experts

In recent years, we have seen rapid growth in the graphic design industry with many of business applications that require design such as logo design, branding design or advertising design… Along with the continuous development of science and technology, the design industry has also changed rapidly to better match the tastes and needs of customers. This has led some graphic design trends to become obsolete over time and replaced by new design trends. Experts have predicted that 7 trends of online graphics design below will become the main graphic trends in the future.

What is the trend?

According to the dictionary, the word “trend” is a noun that indicates the direction of a certain direction during the operation. In English, the word “trend” is now the common word in our daily lives. It relates to many fields which involves graphic design.

7 trends of online graphic design in the future

The field of graphic design is changing rapidly. Just in one year, a lot of new trends were born to replace the old ones. Here are 7 trends of online design that are highly appreciated in the future by many experts:

  • The trend of minimalism

Although the minimalism is not a new graphic trend, experts say that in the future, this trend will return and become “more unique and bolder” with colors and warm details.

  • Trend of Double – the duplication

There are a variety of different effects, but the Double Light effect is still an effect that is likely to become the mainstream. The reason is that this effect is able to create new artwork when cleverly using two light sources, two different color systems to create contrast.

  • The trend of using animation

With the development of different design softwares, the trend of using animations begins to re-develop. Moreover, using animations always does attract viewers more than using static images.

  • The trend of front Typography

In the coming time, fonts will tend to be larger in size and the main point of the design is to gain more attention from viewers.

  • The trend of white space (negative space)

This is a tendency towards the proper use of white spaces to bring about positive, balanced design while emphasizing the main subject of design.

  • The trend of geometric design

According to many experts, although the trend of geometric design has been formed and deployed for a period of time, it will continue to be the leading trend in the future.

  • The trend of 3D effects

The use of 3D effects in quick design will make the design more prominent and  attractive to viewers. Hence, this trend will continue to grow in the future without the threads of being replaced by a new emerging trend.

Hopefully with the sharing 7 future trends in online graphic design predicted by experts will give you some useful information for your work as well as applications in real life. If you want more information about these trends or want to update the latest news of graphics on the world? Please visit the website on the link address https://www.designbold.com/academy/en/. Please come to share new information and try out the latest DesignBold experience.

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